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The Sexual Adventures of Silvinha & Erotic Prose and Poems

Release  - July  2024

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This book is divided into two parts: short story and erotic prose and poems.

In the first part, the short story “The sexual adventures of Silvinha” narrates the tale of a girl who, upon losing her virginity, discovers her wanton side, and her desire for sex makes her perverted and thirsty to fulfill her fantasies unabashedly.

In the second part, erotic prose and poems, the first-person narration brings readers into the story, making each of them much more intense and libidinous.


This tale is a mix of sensual and erotic, very hot!!! The intention of the plot is to excite, release the libido, make the reader enter into fantasy.

IMPORTANT: if you don't like this type of reading and are looking for a "sweet water" romance, don't buy it, don't read it. This book is for the "open-minded" reader who enjoys very hot erotic literature!

Book Details

Book Details

Book Details - Paperback

Title - The Sexual adventures of Silvinha & Erotic Prose and Poems

Author - Marcela Re Ribeiro

Pages - 279

ISBN - 978-65-01-05356-1

Edition - 1ª / 2024

Bilingual - English and Portuguese

Book Details - Kindle Unlimetd

Title - The Sexual adventures of Silvinha & Erotic Prose and Poems

Author - Marcela Re Ribeiro

ISBN - 978-65-815-9903-4

Edition - 1ª / 2024

Tamanho  do arquivo - 2095 KB

Bilingual - English and Portuguese

Formato - Kindle Unlimited/E-book

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